Art Portfolio

Empresses of China's Forbidden City, Touchscreen Kiosk: Made with C# in Unity

Tasked with creating an interactive experience for the Peabody Essex Museum to provide guests with the ability to inspect the robes on display more closely. The kiosk allows guests to explore the historical signifance of different symbols and also design their own custom robe.

LXG 2015 Jerseys: Illustrator. All Aspects Done.

Commissioned to Design a Jersey and Logo for Belgium's International Summer Quidditch Tournament: The League of Extraordinary Ghentlemen

100+ Jerseys Sold

Game of Thrones Themed Quidditch Posters: Photoshop

Personal Project- TriDrone: Maya

Frat Basement Environment ANIM 141 Final: Maya, Headus UV Layout, Photoshop. All Aspects Done.